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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How to get a Good standing Certificate from Karnataka State Nursing Council.

Update : New procedure since 2018  to apply for good standing certificate / international verification for nurses from karnataka Nursing Council - KSNC . I have written a new blog post on that.  Please read the blog post in this link  

Indian nursing council has got state wise chapters in every state of India. If you happened to study in Karnataka , for your GNM / BSC nursing/Post Basic BSC Nursing / MSC nursing you have to register with  Karnataka State Nursing Council. 

Likewise if  you presently work in Karntaka - it is requried of you to get register with Karnataka State Nursing Council.

Getting Good standing Certificate/ Letter of Verification from KSNC

Good Standing Certificate also called as Letter of Verification has now  become a  prerequisite for applying  for working in Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand and other countries in Gulf region like Dubai, Abudhabi  etc. In  most of online application forms , say Dubai Health Authority , there is field for  uploading good standing certificate from the official nursing body where you are currently registered.

Given the fact this article details about how you can get a good standing certificate or Letter of Verification from Karnataka State Nursing Council.

As per my experience goes dealing with Karnataka State Nursing council is not easy . For availing different services , like applying for  Good Standing Certificate you have to present in person( No postal Application - they told me when I inquired about it   ) That  means a long travel to Bangalore from where ever you are. Imagine how bad it is if you happen to relocate your self  . I had friend from North East who had to travel all the way  for this matter.  :(

In short ,If u wish to get a good standing certificate from Karnataka State Nursing Council you should go there and submit all required documents , then they will fax or post your certificate the address given by you.

Requirements for getting a Good Standing certificate from Karnataka State Nursing Council.

  1. Copy of Karnataka State Nursing Council Registration
  2. Work experience showing that at present you work in Karnataka
  3. A receipt of Challan paid for   Rs.1000/-  on Central Bank Of India Bangalore Branch.

 So get ready for a trip to Karnataka...:) Have a Nice journey....:)

Mailing Address of Karnataka State Nursing Council

Karnataka State Nursing Council
#71. Nightingale Towers A street
6th Cross A. R. Extension
Near Movieland Theater
Bangalore- 560009

Phone : +91-80-22383230
Fax : +91-80-41516486
Website :

Update : Just got a message from one of the reader that, current experience certificate from Karnataka state is not needed to get a GSC.  A copy of your registration and  a fee of 1000/- rupees will do it.