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Saturday, November 08, 2014

How to get a good standing certificate from Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council (KNC)

What is a Good Standing Certificate or Letter of Verification In Nursing

A certificate of good standing or verification is a document that informs the nursing registration board or Authorities that you do not have any restrictions, cancellations or suspensions on your licence or registration, in any country or jurisdiction that you are currently registered in.

The Nursing Registration Board in your country will know about this process, it is part of most Nurse Regulation Authorities processes in many countries around the world. While you apply for nursing registration examinations like DHA Licence Exam ( Dubai Health Authority Licencing Examination) they ask you to upload a good standing certificate from the state which you have worked for the last 6 months. Same like many other European  countries also demanding for the good standing certificate.

Getting Good Standing Certificate or Letter of Verification from KNC

You can get this certificate either  by hand or by email. Usually from the registration council they send a hard copy of the Good Standing Certificate to the authority who demanded for it. Same time they will send an attached copy of the certificate in to your email also, you can download and attach this to the site in case of on line application.

Documents needed for getting Good Standing Certificate from Kerala Nurses and Midwives council
  1. Copy of your KNC registration 
  2. Copy of S.S.L.C as an age proof 
  3. A requisition letter addressing The Registrar - KNC 
  4. A DD of Rs. 2000/- from SBT ( State Bank Of Travancore) drawn in favour of , Registrar, Kerala nurses and Midwives council , payable at Thiruvanthapuram. 
  5. Note your email ID in the requisition letter, so that you will receive a copy of Good Standing Certificate by mail.

The Address for requesting Good Standing Certificate/Letter of Verification from KNC

The Registrar
Kerala Nurses and Midwives council
Red Cross Road
Pin : 695035

Phone  Number for inquiry related to  Good Standing certificate from KNC

0471- 2774105

Model of Good Standing certificate