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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Procedure to apply for MoH UAE exam for Nurses

In this blog some time back I had written about DHA exam registration, and here I am giving some clue about MOH exam registration. Compared to DHA exam MOH is less expensive and easy to proceed. The most difficult part is getting a date to attend exam, it takes such a long period if you are not lucky enough. Another important thing is you have to be in UAE to write this exam. Though people are telling that this can be done in India, it is still not possible to get a date here.

The Federal Department of Nursing (FDON) is a Ministry of Health (MOH) department responsible for regulating and providing guidance for nursing and midwifery practice within MOH facilities. The e-services section is a secure electronic portal that allows users to log in and conduct selected services when and where it is convenient for them. In addition, e-services users can update their continuous education records, apply for recruitment, evaluation, etc.

To do the registration online, a username and password is required. New users need to sign up to receive their username and password through the web site of Federal department of nursing ( Instructions on how to create a new account is given on the same page. It is better to enter the site through internet explorer as MOH payments are done only through this service.

The Department of Nursing(DON) E-Services allows users to log in and conduct the following services.

  • New registration
  • Renewal of registration
  • Verification of registration
  • Evaluation of MOH nurses
  • Direct recruitment
  • Updating continuous education records
  • Online payment

Application Procedure for MOH UAE exam

Steps includes:

  1. Log in - with your user name and password
  2. Update Profile
Here you have to enter your Name, Gender, D.O.B, Nationality, Education level, ID ( Passport) Details, Name of the emirate, and passport size photo. Then;
  • Click on new registration
  • Click on applicant with out MOH license
  • Click on license option- new registration by exam and follow the steps.
Step 1- check and update profile.
Step 2- Professional qualification
Step 3- License Details
Step 4- Languages
Step 5- Employment details

At the last section you have to upload all the necessary documents, which are,

  1. School leaving certificate
  2. Passport with valid visa status
  3. Degree/Diploma certificate
  4. Registration/ License with validity
  5. Mark lists for all years
  6. Last experience letter
  7. Proof of name change if any
  8. Additional documents if any

This is the end of the procedure and you will be directed to the page for choosing UAE MOH exam date, if you are lucky enough you can take a date, else wait for your turn by checking in between.

As of January 2015 all the Nursing Registration applications must fulfill the requirement of positive Primary Source Verification (PSV) via Data Flow.

The documents verification will be done by Data Flow after passing the required exam. Data Flow shall send you an e-mail with further information regarding your PSV documents submission within 2 working days.  


Hi I am sharing a comment from one of the blog readers, I think it will be a great help for you. Thank you RAKHI R KUMAR  for your wonderful note.:)

Hey friends...those who are going to appear  for MOH exam in UAE (specially nurses). When we check dates for the exam through online, it always shows that booking is full.There are some agents which help to take the exam date though its illegal in UAE. if you get the exam date study well and write because in moh website they are showing that 60 % marks only required to pass.but its not like that at least you should score 75%.You only have 3 chances for moh exam.exam required to work in dubai is DHA and for abudhabi is HAAD and for other emirates is more thing that dont wait long for getting the exam will create a gap in your work experience and if you have gap in work experience and if you pass MOH there wont be any use because you may not able to complete the data flow procedure after the exam.For the data flow procedure you require 2 years of work experience in bedded hospitals (not clinics)without any gap. MSC nursing graduates exempted from the exam but they have to complete the data flow procedure as mentioned above.For the data flow procedure it will take minimum 6 months. so after getting completed your data flow procedure and issued the moh license only u have to discontinue from the job so that there wont be any study well and write the exams well...don't get panic during exam.its 100 marks questions and they will give u 2 hours.its more than sufficient time to write the exam.Read the question well and answer the check box appropriately. don't leave any question unattended because there is no negative marking system and listen to the instructions they are giving before the exam. u should bring passport or emirates id,calculator,pen and one pencil and the copy of your payment from the website of moh. if you have any doubts just comment below and i will give you answer if i know...WISH YOU ALL THE BEST..STUDY WELL AND WRITE YOUR EXAM WELL...HOPE THIS INFORMATION IS HELPFUL TO ALL THOSE WHO WANNA KNOW THE DETAILS REGARDING THE MOH...THESE INFORMATION I SHARED IS FROM MY LIFE EXPERIENCE AND I ENQUIRED DIRECTLY TO MOH IN SHARJAH....THANK YOU